Ejolle Lovert Epie - Cameroon

Ejolle Lovert is working on the conservatory management of the Congo basin rainforest and the sustainable governance of the natural vegetation landscape of west and central Africa. Lovert Epie’s objective seeks to foster climate action, environmental sustainability, and the rights and livelihoods of people.

Lovert ensures the availability of landscape and forest resources to current and future generations for their human and environmental needs – working towards the continuous availability of landscape and forest resources for rights and livelihoods, resilience ecosystems, conserved biodiversity and climate actions for intergenerational equity. Lovert has planted more than 10,000 cocoa and palm trees in indigenous communities’ farmland to reduce poaching, forest resource exploitation and illegal sales in dense forest regions. He has carried out climate awareness and sensitization campaigns as well as education to students and communities through workshops to reduce unsustainable practices and raise awareness. Lovert has increased youth engagement in entrepreneurship to reduce forest pressure and unsustainable activities. Lovert has planted more than 5,000 trees in the semi arid and desert areas to combat climate crisis and desertification.

As the founder and CEO of the Joint Action for Sustainable Development (JOINTASDEV) in Cameroon, Lovert and the organisation work towards community awareness, socioeconomic empowerment of people, and the sustainable management of forest resources, biodiversity and living ecosystems. The organisation’s values are related to conservation, and committed to diversity, respect,and ethics.

Jointasdev’s main activities are tree planting, climate change education, sustainable agriculture, wetland and marine coastal cleaning and maintenance, clean water and sanitation, cultural heritage conservation, skill development, waste recycling, renewable energy solutions, community development and research programs.

One of their projects addresses carbon emissions and the effects of climate change on agriculture in poor  and degraded rural communities.  The project is helping 100 poor farmers with degraded, low soil fertility and  deforested  farmland with fruits tree planting in vulnerable and fragile areas. The programme was realised with the planting of 10,000 cocoa and palm trees.  This project ensured livelihood improvement, environmental sustainability, low carbon, and  income change.
In other projects, they also worked with 20 conflict-affected and internally displaced rural women and women farming groups in food security, zero food waste and protection soil biodiversity and living ecosystems. The project was to achieve local food and vegetable farms with generative farming system and innovative food storage. This programme was able to ensure environmental sustainability, income change , zero carbon and biodiversity conservation. 
Furthermore, the organisation has worked with 20 excluded, unemployed, sexually exploited youths and  vulnerable single mothers in skill development and capacity in the fight  against poor waste disposal, forest pressure and joblessness. They have a vocational training program in reusable pads, recyclable shoes, and fashion, beauty and hair designing. This works towards income change, employment, new startups, forest conservation, waste management and climate resilience. 
To reduce climate misinformation and  increase climate  advocates and community leaders, the organisation holds workshop in school and  provides children with educational material support to promote young sustainable entrepreneurship, climate awareness and knowledge, and leadership.
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