International Women’s Day Event

Lending one's voice for social change

On 16th March, we held our rescheduled International Women’s Day session! 

Our guest speaker, Benedicta Apuamah, shared her experience of working in grassroots communities in Nigeria and the international space with the UN in Vienna. Benedicta provided the toolkit for lending one’s voice for social change  – all you need is yourself! Your voice, your commitment, and your passion for change.

"It seemed to be a small change but it actually had global relevance"

Celebrating International Women’s Day a week on, our Content and Media Strategist Phoebe Wyvill shared her thoughts on fighting for gender equality year-round. It is paramount to empower women and girls globally not just on one day of the year, but continually and consistently. 

"Hope drives us forward, and hope unites us" - Phoebe Wyvill

Let’s continue to lend our voices for social change and keep empowering one another! We thank everyone for attending, and Benedicta Apuamah for speaking – it was a truly inspiring event.

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