Launch Ceremony

Global Activists Network has been launched!

On the 10th February 2024, 6pm GMT, we came together with over 40 participants from all over the globe to present our platform – Global Activists Network (GAN).

We were delighted to have with us esteemed and accomplished changemakers and leaders who are excelling in their own fields – Jensine Larsen & Eden Tadesse.

Jensine Larsen, award-winning digital impact entrepreneur, international journalist, and expert on technology to strengthen global women’s power. She is the founder of World Pulse, an independent, women-powered global social network connecting tens of thousands of women from 200+ countries and bringing them a greater global voice. Through World Pulse, women leaders are impacting over 24.8 million lives by building global movements, launching businesses, changing policies, and transforming harmful cultural practices. 

Jensine, our Guest speaker, through her powerful storytelling and journey inspired our audience to break free of the barriers and take action. 

As a network, we aim to spotlight changemakers who are making giant strides in their field of work – one of which is Eden Tadesse who was our Changemaker Spotlight for our launch event.

Eden Tadesse is an award-winning entrepreneur, innovator, journalist and global citizen. She draws on more than 10 years of experience in the nonprofit and private sector across Africa, Asia and Europe. She is the Founder of Invicta, an award-winning impact startup that connects refugees and internally displaced people with remote work, online courses, mental health support and business development. Invicta currently supports 35,000+ refugees from 90 countries. She is a recipient of the Bill & Melinda Gates Goalkeepers Progress Award, Diana Award, a Young Champion for UNHCR, an African Union Youth Innovator and a member of the EU Youth Sounding Board.

Eden, through her personal journey and activism highlighted her achievements and challenges towards achieving her career and personal goals. She also charged our audience with impeccable storytelling laced with a touch of inspiration and hope. 

Our Co-Founders, Lemona Chanda & Gertrude Asumadu are charged and looking forward to taking the network to a higher level. 

Gertrude, a seasoned activist of over 7 years believes that this is the time to elevate young voices and leaders at the grassroots level and also support them with the necessary resources needed. 

Lemona, a gender equity activist also believes that it is necessary to create a level-playing ground for changemakers all over the world and bring them together to unite and take collective action. 

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