Our First Twitter Space! Running Effective Campaigns in International Development


On Thursday 4th April, we launched our first live Twitter Space session! Although we experienced a couple of technical glitches (thank you for bearing with us!), the session proved inspiring and enlightening to the ups and downs of international campaigning.

Our guest speaker, Adam Bailey, is the Senior Campaigns Manager for the ONE UK & Ireland, with extensive experience in running effective campaigns in international development. Adam is a seasoned advocate for social change, with experience in refugee rights, child health, sexual health and reproductive rights, as well as the COVID-19 response. His expertise in campaigning shone tantamount to his true passion for social change, advocacy, and helping others. 

“The campaign is basically the vehicle that brings together those people that are on their own, they might not feel that they have a lot of power, and who previously necessarily weren’t pulling in the same direction and basically lays train lines for them to come together to be greater than the sum of their parts and harness that collective will and effort as an engine of change for the greater good”

You can catch our next Twitter Space by following us on our socials for regular updates!

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